In·tra·pre·neur·ship (n)

1. Successful adaptation of entrepreneurial attitudes and strategies inside of a larger organization. 2. Implementation of start-up practices within a large organization, producing valued innovation.

Managers are under increasing pressure to find ways to ignite growth and innovation within their institutions. Harnessing an intrapreneurial approach can empower employees to advance their careers while improving the organization. Coaching employees to understand the concept of intrapreneurship is the first step to empowering a new cadre of innovators within institutions; nurturing intrapreneurship is key to powering a company forward.

Business Boosters is able to provide thorough, objective, and results-oriented counseling to managers and employees who are looking to identify opportunities for personal, professional, and organizational growth from within their existing businesses.  

Services include:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset Practitioner (EMP) Assessments and coaching to harness entrepreneurial mindset strengths and identify development needs of individuals or teams

  • Bridging gaps between entrepreneurial and more traditionally corporate cultures and teams

  • Opportunity identification and assessment within an existing business 

  • Developing a business case for new service lines of business

  • Developing a business case for new products lines 

  • Goal setting

  • Training and supporting employees to think more entrepreneurially and proactively about identifying new business opportunities within the company

Formats include individualized sessions conducted in person or via Zoom, and interactive workshops and presentations to business teams and larger groups.